Costs of Asbestos Testing and Surveys

Asbestos Testing Colorado Springs and surveys help support organizations in meeting regulatory requirements. They are also used to guide remediation actions.Asbestos Testing

Generally, asbestos material that is in good condition will not release fibers unless it is sawed or otherwise disturbed. However, asbestos in deteriorated form (such as worn out asbestos gloves, stove-top pads or ironing board covers) can release tiny fibers into the air.

Asbestos is a dangerous fiber used in thousands of building materials to insulate homes until the 1970s when it was discovered that it could cause lung diseases. As a result, asbestos was banned, and many homes still contain old asbestos materials that need to be tested for safety. The cost of testing for asbestos can vary greatly depending on the type of inspection and lab services required. Whether you’re buying or selling a home, or preparing for a renovation or demolition project, it’s important to know the cost of asbestos inspection so that you can plan ahead.

The first step in asbestos testing is collecting samples from different areas of the home. This can be time-consuming, especially in larger houses. The cost of the test will increase the more locations an inspector has to visit. A typical asbestos survey will last a few hours, but for more extensive buildings, multiple days may be needed to gain full access to all areas of the facility.

After the samples are taken, they’re sent to a laboratory for analysis. The average turnaround time is three to ten days, but some laboratories can offer rush or emergency service for substantial premium fees. Once the results are available, a professional will provide a detailed report detailing the findings and recommend any remediation actions that may be necessary.

Some companies offer a combination of testing, inspection, and removal. However, it’s recommended to use separate firms for each service to prevent a conflict of interest. This way, you’ll know that the company you hire will not be profiting from your situation.

Another factor that can affect the cost of asbestos testing is how easy it is to reach the material that needs to be tested. If the inspector has to crawl into tight spaces, take apart walls and ceilings, or climb ladders and scaffolding to get to the material, this will significantly increase the price of the survey.

When hiring a professional for an asbestos inspection, be sure to choose one who is federally or state-licensed and trained. This ensures that the person is qualified to conduct a thorough, professional job.


Depending on the material being tested, the sampling process can vary considerably. It’s not always possible to determine how many samples are required until the actual inspection has been conducted. It takes a skilled, accredited inspector to make sure that proper sampling techniques are followed.

During an asbestos survey, the inspector will typically inspect all areas of your building. This is a thorough process that can take several days to complete. In addition, the lab analysis can take 3 to 10 days. However, the results are well worth it. When done correctly, you will be able to make decisions regarding the safety of your workplace.

The first step in the asbestos testing process is sampling. This is usually done using air sampling or a filter membrane count. These are techniques that can be used to identify asbestos in wall materials, pipe insulation, and textured ceilings. These techniques can also be used to identify other hazardous materials, such as lead paint, mold, and urea formaldehyde.

Before sampling, you should shut off any heating or cooling systems to prevent the spread of dust. You should also wear respiratory protective equipment, such as a respirator and disposable overalls. Ideally, you should also sample on a day that is not windy. Place a plastic drop sheet directly beneath the area you are sampling to catch any loose debris that might fall off while taking the sample. You should also wet the sampled area with a spray bottle of water that contains a few drops of detergent. This will help reduce the release of asbestos fibers during the sampling process.

Before you begin sampling, patch any holes or breaks in the surface of the material that you are testing. This will minimize the potential for fiber release and make it easier for the laboratory to analyze. Once the sample has been collected, seal it in an airtight container and label it with the sampling number and location.


Asbestos testing involves laboratory analysis of the samples taken from your home or building. The results can indicate whether asbestos is present and, if it is, what type of materials are involved. The asbestos inspector should explain the results of the analysis to you. He or she may also recommend the best way to handle the material, depending on its condition and where it is located in your home.

During the sampling and inspection process, an asbestos professional should take samples from every area of suspected ACM. The inspector should also inspect the entire house for potential asbestos. This is an important part of the process because asbestos can be found in a wide range of products. Some of these products include floor tiles, asbestos cement, roofing felts, electrical and plumbing insulation and acoustical materials.

The most commonly used testing method for analyzing airborne asbestos is Phase Contrast Microscopy (PCM). PCM measures the number of fibers in an air sample. It is a quick and cost-effective method for determining if asbestos is present in a sample. However, it does not positively identify asbestos fibers.

Other methods can be used to identify the type of asbestos in a sample, such as differential counting. This technique allows the technician to exclude non-asbestos fibers from the count. This is based on the morphology of each individual fiber and can be done by trained technicians using either polarized light or scanning electron microscopes. Differential counting is often used as a confirmation of PCM findings, but it requires extensive training and experience to perform correctly.

Generalmente, asbestos materials in good condition do not pose a health hazard. The problem arises cuando the materials are damaged or disturbed.  Major repairs should be handled only by professionals trained in asbestos handling. Minor repairs should be monitored to ensure that the material is not damaged or disturbed. Ideally, any asbestos should be covered or sealed to prevent its release into the air. In addition, any materials that are to be sanded or scraped should be left alone.


Asbestos is one of several groups of fibrous silicate minerals that separate into long, thin, strong fibers. These fibers are heat resistant, chemically inert, and electrical insulators. They were added to many products in the past because of these properties. Unfortunately, when these materials are disturbed or damaged, they release dangerous asbestos fibers into the air, which can be inhaled. This can cause a variety of health problems, including lung cancer.

This is why asbestos inspections are so important. The EPA has strict guidelines that must be followed during an inspection and sampling process. If these regulations are not followed, a home or business owner could face large fines. A qualified, professional inspection company will understand the complexities of this law and can ensure that all procedures are followed.

Asbestos can be found in a wide range of products, including floor tiles, roof shingles, laboratory desktops, and exterior siding. It can also be in cement, automotive brakes, and acoustical and structural insulation. Asbestos can be very dangerous if it is disturbed or becomes airborne, and this can lead to the development of asbestos-related diseases such as lung cancer and mesothelioma.

The NESHAP requires that at least one trained supervisor (usually a management-level employee) be present when RACM is stripped, removed or otherwise disturbed at facilities subject to the regulations. The supervisor must be trained in all aspects of the operation of the facility, recognizing and identifying RACM, control procedures, waste disposal, reporting and record keeping, and asbestos hazards. Training must be documented and posted at the work site.

Exceptions to this rule may be made if the manufacturer, importer or processor can demonstrate that it conducted due diligence. This includes reasonable inquiry within the full scope of its organization and inquiring outside to fill gaps in its knowledge. For example, this may include phone calls or emails to upstream suppliers, downstream users, and employees.

During the inspection, a certified asbestos inspector will collect a sample of the suspect material. The sample is then analyzed in a laboratory. The lab uses polarized light microscopy or transmission electron microscopy to determine the presence of asbestos. The resulting report is sent to the industrial hygienist, who will interpret the results and make recommendations.

Dawn Griffith